Thursday, November 15, 2018

To drink

To drink

I’ll raise a glass to demon drink
Attacker and defender of my spirits
At times it brings a joy and bonhomie
Of kindred lives and shared illusions. 

It numbs the passage of the soul
Along the path to Purgatory 
It tames life’s realities
It rounds the rougher edges
That scrape our skin and scar our soul. 

For oft reality is too much to bear
The glare of unvarnished truth too harsh....
We need escape and drink
Reduces pain and stress
Albeit momentarily. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Poolside Blues

Poolside Blues

We are the lucky ones
At least we know
And daily thank our lucky stars
To have been born mid century 
In a country far apart
From famine and from war. 

We sit in contented groups
Around the poolside bar 
And drink the local wine
While trying all the while 
Not to ponder or to think 
How life might be
A half a century from now. 

We are a generation 
No better and no worse 
Than those who came before 
Or those who follow us behind;
But find ourselves with matches
To burn the city down. 

At times like Nero we fiddle and we pray
That the fire we once started might go away. 
At times we simply toast some bread
And guiltily eat and drink  
While watching Rome go up in flames. 

Down by the poolside bar they’re calling time
And old grey heads drink up 
Uncertain what the night might bring
Or the legacy we’ve left behind. 

Ave,Imperator, morituri te salutant...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Frequent Flyer

Frequent Flyer

Whenever I fly and the plane leaves the soil,
I know I could die, but I’m reconciled
Helpless as a babe, suspended in air,
I’m not in control, I’m in God’s hands now. 

If not today, then some day, for sure
When the choice is no longer mine, 
When the heavens draw me in as with everyone
To revert to the centre, to cleave to the core. 

At one with the world, along with the stars 
When the time is right, with any luck
To pass to the other side, to sleep with the saints
And the sinners are cleansed, there’s no difference now.