Along his woodland walk
Enjoyed the birdy talk
Feathered friends on the wing
Knowing much more than him
'Bout trees 'n things.
They taught him how to sing
The silent forest chant
Lifting spirits in a dance
A trance of mystical delight
With wordless hymns
And soaring leafy chords
To high infinity
And far beyond.
Grave words
Sitting hunkered on the granite surround
Along the grave of mother, father and dear sister
Lives once laughing breathing loving
Now speaking wordless love and memories
Remembering the windhover
How it sailed and soared
Far above souls in a quiet graveyard
Forever still, forever eloquent
Sail on dear hearts
Deeper into the Milky Way
Further closer deeper
Forever on a maiden day in May.
Slow down, for feck's sake!
Slow down, you're going to die
Why then make the hours fly
What's the hurry, what's the rush?
You'll get to die, no need to push.
Why not saunter? Why not stroll?
Looking forward never round
You'll miss the beauty that is found
Stress and hurry takes its toll.
Stop a moment, gently linger
Absorb the magic in your finger
The simple things are the best
To see a miracle at rest
The heaven's stooping down to kiss the shore
Where time and eternity conspire
To weave a seamless cloak
Visible only to those who stop and care.
You're in the car, he's up your tail
Wave him on for he'll be there
And you enjoy the extra moment
Some day