Friday, February 26, 2021

Night terrors

 Terror of the night

He stayed awake in terror

Of the dreams that might visit

If he slept and so each hour

Became familiar sadly. 

Three in the morning

Merged with early dawn

And so the night was

Marked with failed attempts. 

False dawns came and went 

As relieving sleep escaped. 

His worst fears magnified

In the silence and the solitude. 

When dawn arrived exhausted he

Stumbled down the stairs 

To find his favorite chair 

And spend the day recouping. 

Asleep by day, awake by night

He lived his life full back to front

Dozing through the morning 

Alert and buzzing in the  evening. 

What baby fall, what early terror 

Had turned his life upside down?

What bad luck had caused this state

So simple yet so terrible. 

He tried the drugs

He tried the potions

He tried the bloody lot

Without success.  

The more he tried 

The worse it got 

He tried not to try -

Anything to make it stop. 

His mind a minefield 

Where deadly ordnance lay

Unsure where to place a foot

Uncertain what to say

The doctors and consultants 

Who achieved not a single thing

But to send out the bills

And reminders if required. 

Til at last he met the special one 

Half mother, sister, lover

Who had the magic touch 

Who brought him peace and sleep. 

Aged fifty five but better,

Better late than never

The past a blurry land 

The future bright at last. 

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